Vote No

on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment


By Ben Proto – Chair, Connecticut Republicans


Campaign workers charged with mishandling absentee ballots. Four arrested in absentee ballot case. Democratic leaders arrested on charges of election fraud in Connecticut. Connecticut Democrat sentence to 2 years for election fraud.


These are just a few of the headlines that we have seen recently in Connecticut related to absentee ballot fraud in our state.


Then of course, there is the pièce de resistance, video footage of the stuffing of absentee ballot boxes in Bridgeport, which followed in a judge throwing out the results of a primary and at least three individuals being charged with criminal acts. This was not the first time a judge threw out an election because of absentee ballot fraud, in fact it was the third election.


Connecticut has had an AB program in place since the civil war. It is designed to ensure those individuals who cannot get to the polls because of illness, disability, religious tenets, or being out of town, have the ability to cast their vote.


With the absentee ballot debacle that played out on our television screens, political operatives being convicted of absentee ballot crimes, and, with voters losing confidence in our election system it begs the question – How have the Democrats responded to these attacks on our most fundamental right, our right to vote?


Not by addressing these issues, not by providing protections to our voting systems, not by mandating that anyone who attacks our right to vote will actually go to jail, nope they propose a constitutional amendment that would allow any person at any time for no reason to use an absentee ballot and to allow those who seek to game elections greater opportunity to defraud voters and taint our elections.


This proposed change to our constitution is an afront to our right to vote. It opens the door to even more fraud and abuse. In 2014 the people of Connecticut had the good sense to reject this same amendment. The voters knew then, as they know now, that this change is not needed in Connecticut.


With the introduction of fourteen days of early voting, from October 21 st to November 3 rd , as well as election day on November 5 th and same day voter registration, for both early voting and election day voting, not only is this proposed amendment bad for Connecticut, it is simply not needed.


Connecticut voters are smart informed voters. They understand how our system works, the various way they available to them to cast a vote and, most importantly, they rely on the knowledge that Connecticut elections must remain fair, safe and secure. Voting NO on this question will allow voters, not campaigns, politicians or bad actors to dictate the outcome of our elections.


Democrat leaders have already indicated that if this amendment passes, mail in voting is only a step away.


This election season let’s send a message to the politicians in Hartford. Leave our Constitution alone. Vote NO on no excuse absentee ballot and let’s keep Connecticut elections on the up and up.