MIDDLETOWN — With rising electric rates, voter anger, and no real energy policy, Governor Lamont and the Democrats have put off any action to relieve ratepayers of overly burdensome electric bills until after the election.
“It is truly shameful that Governor Lamont and Democrats in Hartford are too afraid to do their jobs and go into Special Session to address the ever-rising public benefits charges on our electric bills,” said Republican Chairman Ben Proto.
Questions about true motivations rose earlier this week when State Representative and Energy and Technology Committee Co-Chairman Jonathan Steinberg (D- Westport) recently said, “Does he [Governor Lamont] pivot right after the election? I would hope so, certainly. I urged him to do that”.
“Why wouldn’t the Chairman of the Energy and Technology Committee urge the Governor to call the legislature into Special Session right now to address these problems?” asked Proto. “The answer is simple: Chairman Steinberg and the rest of the Democrats are afraid that if they are in session, they will have to answer questions about how they have so badly screwed up our energy sector. The public will see behind the curtain and know that it is the Democrats who have reigned down the pain we all feel when we open our monthly electric bills.
“They are afraid that voters will finally figure out the games the Democrats have been playing on them all these years and vote them out of office November 5. This is just further proof that the Democrats are only interested in power, not helping the hard-working people of Connecticut pay their bills” continued Proto.
“I urge every citizen of our state to call the Senate Democrats (860-240-8600) and the House Democrats (860-240-8500) and tell them to sign the petition for a Special Session and get to work and fix this problem. The Democrats have the power to fix this, just as they had the power when they increased our monthly electric bills,” concluded Proto.