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Pardon of son Hunter Biden a Slap in the Face to Americans


MIDDLETOWN —  President Joe Biden announced that he was issuing the most sweeping pardon for his son Hunter Biden, by any President in over 50 years. This will ensure that his son not only does not face criminal sentencing for the crimes for which he has been found guilty or pled guilty but also for any other crime he may have committed over the past 10 years, including potential influence peddling while his father was Vice President.


“President Biden’s pardon of his son, Hunter Biden, is a slap in the face to every American,” said Republican State Chairman Ben Proto. “Joe Biden’s Presidency will be forever remembered as one of the worst in our nation’s history. He is choosing to end it by signing a pardon for his son, which he promised the American people he would not do.”


“This action is just another example of the Democrats’ continual gaslighting of the American people. President Biden, Vice-President Harris, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and the entire Democrat establishment have played bait-and-switch for so many years, even they can’t keep all of their lies and misinformation straight.”


“America has never been more in need for a President to leave office than it is today with Joe Biden. When President Trump and Vice-President elect JD Vance take office on January 20, 2025, America will see the start of a new and exciting era, where government officials, both elected and appointed, will be truthful and held accountable, and the American people will be protected from politicians seeking to line their pockets at the expense of America and Americans” concluded Proto.

