(Middletown, CT) The Bridgeport Absentee Ballot scandals continues to grow and Democrats, from Governor Lamont, to Mayor Ganim, to Connecticut Democrat Chair Nancy DiNardo are at a loss as to what to do or say.
“Yesterday Governor Lamont said ‘I really want to thoroughly investigate this” and that people shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Mayor Ganim said he doesn’t condone any of these actions taken by city or campaign workers (who work for him in both roles) and Nancy DiNardo, when confronted with the issue and my call to increase penalties for these violations, did what Democrats are now programmed to do, she screamed TRUMP” said State Republican Chair, Ben Proto.
“I have news for Governor Lamont, Mayor Ganim, and Chair DiNardo, where there is smoke there is fire and, given that three of Mayor Ganim’s campaign workers from his last election have been referred to the Chief State’s Attorney for criminal prosecution for Absentee Ballot fraud, I’d say the smoke is actually a full-blown raging inferno that have trapped the Democrats into proof that they regularly try to undermine our elections for their own gain.”
“Over the past number of years, multiple Democrats have been charged with Absentee Ballot fraud, in 2017 a local council primary was ordered to be run three times in Bridgeport due to Absentee Ballot issues, in 2022 a state representative primary in Bridgeport was ordered to redone due to AB issues, in 2017 the Stamford Democrat Chair was convicted on 14 counts of Absentee Ballot fraud, multiple Democrat State elected officials have been cited by the State Elections Enforcement Commission for engaging in AB fraud. What do all of these things have in common – everyone involved is a Democrat” continued Proto.
“Not only is it time to investigate but, Governor Lamont, Mayor Ganim and Chair DiNardo should be screaming that it is time to charge the people seen on the video who are violating the law. It is time for Governor Lamont, Mayor Ganim, Chair DiNardo and the Democrat leadership in the General Assembly to call for stricter punishment and actual jail time and larger fines for individuals who attempt to manipulate elections and destroy voters’ confidence in our electoral process. Our elections are too important to be wishy washy or to try to distract voters by pointing to national figures who have nothing to do with this debacle in Bridgeport. It is time for Democrat leaders across Connecticut to join with Republicans and work to make this practice a thing of the past” concluded Proto.
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