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Connecticut Democrats Push Property Tax Hike

CT Ranks Among Highest Property Tax States- Democrats Want More


This week Connectiut Democrats passed SB999 (An Act Increasing the Uniform Assessment Rate for Property Tax) out of committee, effectively pushing forward a 5% or ($27 Billion Dollar) Property tax increase, according to the CGA Office of Fiscal Analysis.


“There it is” said Connecticut State Republican Chairman Ben Proto “after the pomp and circumstance over election year gimmicks, Connecticut Democrats have unveiled their true tax-and-spend plan.  Forcing municipalities to raise property taxes to fund a Hartford money-grab is wrong, its backhandd, and taxpayers, particularly low income and middle class taxpayers are the ones who will pay the price. Even uber-liberal Massachusetts has set limits on these tax levies – yet here Connecticut Democrats are going full bore on raising property taxes to an astronomical level.  Connecticut currently ranks as the 48th most expensive state for property taxes.  This legislation will move us even further down the list, however we don’t have far to go to make Connecticut the worst state for property taxes” said Proto.


“Property taxes are among the most regressive taxes and this will make Connecticut’s property tax structure even more regressive; this wrong headed legislation will serve to be another reason for businesses to ignore Connecticut when deciding where to locate or remain and  people to vote with their feet and leave Connecticut” continued Proto. “This is just another example of Connecticut Democrats’ utter lack of understanding of the financial  hole they have dug for the people of Connecticut.:”

“We do not have a revenue problem here in the State of Connecticut, we have a spending problem. We cannot keep raising taxes on the hardworking families of our state. We need a coalition of municipal leaders and taxpayers from all parties to stand up and say “No! We will not raise our taxes because you tell us to’, and fight the passage of this terrible bill” Proto concluded.



Voters can voice opposition to this measure by contacting their legislator, submitting testimony, and by contacting House Democrats at 860-240-8585 or emailing Speaker Matthew Ritter directly at, and Senate Democrats at 860-240-8600 or emailing