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Biden Announcement No Surprise & No Good

Biden Formalizes Re-Election Campaign After Failed First Term


“President Biden’s announcement that he will seek reelection is no surprise, what is even less of a surprise is the utter failure the Biden/Harris administration has been. Biden took a booming economy that was envied around the world and driven us into the worst economic times we have seen in over a generation.” said Republican State Chairman Ben Proto.


“Americans have been burdened with the failures of Joe Biden and his radical policies.  We simply can not afford another term of the Biden-Harris administration.”


“Connecticut has suffered greater than most states; among the highest taxes one of the lowest return of tax dollars, failed social and economic policies, making it no surprise that Ned Lamont would endorse Biden. Both share the same economic and ideological records of failure” continued Proto.


“Republicans have shown they know how to solve these Democrat created problems in the past- and we can and will save this great Republic again.” Proto concluded.