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Connecticut Democrat’s Assault on Parents’ Rights Continues

Democrats Still Believe Parents are Monsters, Introduce Legislation Keeping Parents from Learning about so called “Sensitive Communications between Teachers and Students


Remember when Connecticut Democrats posted a meme comparing parents concerned about their children’s education to monsters?  Well now they aren’t just calling parents names, they’re attempting to legislate that belief in Hartford.

Within the last few weeks, Democrats in the General Assembly have introduced legislation that would:

Take away parental notification/permission for covid shots at twelve years of age.

Keep parents from knowing about communications between a teacher and student (regardless of the student’s age) about sensitive/sexual topics.

-“Protect teachers” from ‘harassment’ (undefined) from concerned parents.


“Connecticut Republicans stand with concerned parents and citizens, the same citizens whose taxes fund their local schools, while the Democrats are actively working to remove parents from any role in their children’s education. They want ideological education in schools; they think parents are the problem and should be excluded from education. They have no problem with, and even support sexualized content for young children. The ways Democrats are working to exclude parents and protect bad actors in education goes on and on– and it’s at the expense of our children’s real education. ” said State Republican Chairman Ben Proto.


“Republicans fully support the rights of parents to know what is going on and, more importantly, to have input and control of their children’s education.  This should be something that both parties believe fundamentally- but it’s not.  By seeking to enact this type of legislation, Democrats are showing their true belief that the State- not Parents-should have domain over children . That’s wrong for Connecticut and it’s wrong for children.”


“With all of the problems Connecticut is facing; economic uncertainty, ever-increasing tax burdens, failing schools, failing cities, it would seem that Democrats should want to strengthen parents roles in education, not weaken them. Our leaders should be empowering parents and should be challenging our school districts to do better by our children. Instead, Democrats continue to fiddle with idiotic legislation while Connecticut burns.” concluded Proto.



NOTE: Voters can voice opposition to these proposals to House Democrats at 860-240-8585 or by emailing Speaker Matthew Ritter directly at & to Senate Democrats at 860-240-8600 or emailing