The Gas Tax is Back

Thanks to Ned Lamont and Connecticut Democrats, the gas tax is returning incrementally, which began on January 1, 2023. By May of this year, the tax will return to 25 cents per gallon.
The gas tax holiday, championed by Connecticut Republicans, was passed due to rising gas prices around the country. The program was approved last March and saved Connecticut residents millions in the midst of the severe effects of Bidenflation.
Why It Matters: Ned Lamont and CT Democrats supported the gas tax as part of their election-year gimmicks and now reverse their position on the tax after being re-elected. Democrats continue to do what they do best: Lie and plunder Connecticut families.
Zoom out: Republicans in the Connecticut House and Senate tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to remove the entire tax through June.
- Connecticut also imposes a second wholesale tax on fuel which was not suspended this year.